Wednesday, 25 March 2020

Wednesday Work Update! (25/03/2020)

Hello everybody! 

Image result for wednesday gif

Hope everyone's keeping well! We've been really enjoying everybody's updates throughout the week, we've loved seeing how much fun people are having from home! I can't believe how big our beanstalks have gotten so far, the ones I have at home here have outgrown their castle!

Image result for beanstalk gif

Our next sound is the revision of the "qu" sound. Have a look at the video below to hear what sound "qu" makes!

Next, we have a worksheet for the children to complete based on the "qu" sound. This can be found at the following link:

For Tricky Words, revise saw, put, could, should, would, right using look, copy, cover, write and check method.

For dictation, our words this week are quiz, quick, queen and quilt

For Maths, please continue with the daily maths in the book. We would also encourage discussing the date and time on a regular basis with the children. The children can practise telling the time using the game below:

For Gaeilge, we are working on the theme Bia. Please use the following links to help the children practise their vocab. The game may be a little tricky as the children wouldn't be used to reading the Irish phonics, so we would encourage on working on this together with your child!

Fairy Tales

Our theme for this fortnight is Fairy Tales/Hedges and Forests. See the Oral Language sheet below and discuss with the children.

If anybody is out and about walking in their local park (and practicing social distancing of course!) we would encourage you to talk to the children about what they see, by asking the following questions:

  • What animals live in this park?
  • Where are their homes?
  • Where do they get their food?
  • Why do they live in their home? (ie. why do the birds live in the trees and not a hedge? Why do ducks swim in the stream and not sit up a tree?)
  • How can we ensure we humans aren't impacting on these animals' homes?
  • How do these animals protect their homes?
Image result for father collins park

For some art and craft ideas, we recommend the ideas found at the link below. If anyone makes any of these, feel free to send myself or Jessica pictures as we'd love to see them!

We also encourage listening to the song below about habitats!

We also encourage the children to take some time each day to play "make believe" using their toys or just their imagination to engage with the Fairy Tales theme. They can choose a particular fairy tale to base their play on, or even make up their own!

Image result for children playing imagination gif

A few of you have contacted saying you've had issues with the link to the survey which I appreciate! This will be fixed and posted on Friday so you can give us your feedback/assessment of the children's work. As always, if you have any questions or want to send us any updates, please feel free to email myself or Jessica and we'll get back to you!

Sending lots of love and elbow bumps!

Maria and Jessica

Image result for elbow bump gif

Additional OPTIONAL resources!

Hi guys! As we have now moved to a four day week and as school books are being completed, I wanted to provide some extra optional work for...