We're nearly at the Easter holidays! Everybody has been working very hard and I'm sure you're all looking forward to a well deserved break! Thanks so much to everyone who has filled out our survey and given us feedback, we really appreciate it. If anyone has any concerns or questions, our inbox is always open, please do not hesitate to ask us anything! 💛

Thursday Suggested Plan:
- Master your Maths Thursday Week 26
- Identifying 3D Shapes
- Use your 'magic eyes' to find different 3D shapes around the house or garden! Take pictures or draw pictures of the items you find in the house! Try find examples of spheres, cubes and cuboids, and make sure to name each shape as you go along. Here's a reminder of the shapes:



- Please continue with your new Reader - Joe has sent all parents an Aladdin message to access the new reader through Oxford Owl. If you have any questions about this you can send myself, Jessica or Joe an email. Here is the website: https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/
- Revise tricky words two, four, goes, does, made, their. Try to think of and say a sentence using each of these words and write them in your copy or a whiteboard if you'd like.
- Free writing: Finish the sentence!
"If I could be any animal, I would pick..."
- Ask the children what they would be and why? As usual, we also encourage the children to draw a picture to accompany it! We've got some great emails so far of the children's responses to the free writing about if they won the lotto so this should be interesting!
We are still working with the theme "Bia" (food) and asking children what they do and don't like.

Please print or screenshot the word mat below to help the children when asking the questions below! I have also written pronunciations below as I understand teaching new vocabulary can be tricky! 😊

Use the word mat above to practise "An maith leat?" "Is maith liom/Ní maith liom" questions.
For example:
Q: "An maith leat torthaí?
A: "Is maith liom torthaí."/ "Ní maith liom torthaí."
An maith leat?
(on maw lat?)
Is maith liom
(iss maw lum)
Ní maith liom
(knee maw lum)
Ceapairí = sandwiches
ispíní = sausages
anraith = soup
spaigití = spaghetti
bagún = bacon
uachtair reoite = ice cream
(ooktur roacha)
seacláid = chocolate
cnónna = nuts
brioscáin phrátaí = potato chips/crisps
(brisk-awyn fraughty)
torthaí = fruit
méara éisc = fish fingers
(mare-a aishk)
bia Síneach = Chinese food
(bee-a sheen-ock)
Continue on with The Gruffalo work suggestions:
- Listen to the story of The Gruffalo at the link here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s8sUPpPc8Ws
- The following are some fun follow-up Gruffalo activities that could be fun to do this week in the lead up to Easter!
- Gruffalo Easter Card: https://www.gruffalo.com/gruffalo/files/e1/e15b3aaf-63cc-419a-b614-aeecb653df30.pdf
- Gruffalo Easter Treats: https://www.gruffalo.com/gruffalo/files/c4/c42d3bc9-ffaa-4f5e-982b-86b498a1c4cb.pdf
There is also a song you can learn that goes with the story, which can be found here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5ZfEIX2lhlI
The Gruffalo song
He has terrible tusks, and terrible claws,
And terrible teeth in his terrible jaws.
He’s the Gruffalo! Gruffalo! Gruffalo!
He’s the Gruffalo!
He has knobbly knees and turned-out toes,
And a poisonous wart at the end of his nose.
He’s the Gruffalo! Gruffalo! Gruffalo!
He’s the Gruffalo!
His eyes are orange , his tongue is black,
He has purple prickles all over his back.
He’s the Gruffalo! Gruffalo! Gruffalo!
He’s the Gruffalo!
He’s the GRRRRRRRRR………Gruffalo! He’s the Gruffalo!

Learn Together/SPHE:
- Complete and send CareChoice Malahide Artwork by emailing it to hello@carechoice.ie and giving your name, Jessica's or Maria's Class, Senior Infants, Belmayne Educate Together
- ZenDen https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KhXt7cpCPPs&list=PL8snGkhBF7nhwY-bD3Arzu7fY2guW61Hp&index=14
- P.E: Joe Wicks Daily P.E Session https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLyCLoPd4VxBvD7ogmmPLJXYA1q0gFF3pe
- The Bim Bum song (a song title I'm sure the kids will get a giggle out of!) is a great music exercise to practice reading a basic music "notation" of sorts, as well as keeping the beat and following a pattern. It's trickier than it looks, trust me!
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aXZWgOf2lSA

This is how I felt when the music started to speed up...😅
We are really delighted to be getting all the lovely emails with pictures and updates about how so many of you are getting on so please continue to send these and stay in touch, it makes our day! Some of the April Fools Day jokes we heard yesterday really brought a smile to our faces!
Take care and stay safe,
Maria and Jessica