Hope everyone is keeping well! We had a meeting yesterday with myself, Jessica and Joe, and decided that this week we would take it in turns to post a daily plan. I understand from the feedback from some of the parents that they are not finished with the work I posted last Wednesday, which is absolutely fine. Please do not be putting yourselves under too much pressure, the aim of these daily plans is to have a guide of sorts of what to do if you are finished or feel you or your child would benefit from this sort of structured plan. Things are already stressful enough as it is and the last thing we want to do is make you feel more pressurised!
Tuesday's Suggested Plan:
- Master your Maths Tuesday Week 26
- Make your own number line! We would like to see the children getting creative and making their own number line from 0-10, to help them with counting and addition. I have attached some ideas below that are hopefully easy to do using bits and bobs that can be found around the house!

- Complete 'qu' worksheet if not already done
- Tricky words to revise this week are two, four, goes, does, made, their. Please once again use the read, write, cover, check method to practise these words!
- Free writing: let's get creative! Today let's get the children's imaginations going by doing some free writing, starting with the phrase:
"If I won the lotto, I would..."
- Ask your child to finish that sentence by writing about what they would do with the money, and draw a picture to go with it. I'm sure we'll get some interesting responses!

- Following up from the Séadáin Sí work from last week, this game will help the children with listening and matching as well as sentence structure. This game requires sound and may require the help of a grown up to start off! https://www.seideansi.ie/naionain-mhora/gniomhaioch-2/dearg/7/index.html
- Listen to the story of The Gruffalo at the link here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s8sUPpPc8Ws
- The following are some fun follow-up Gruffalo activities that could be fun to do this week in the lead up to Easter!
- Gruffalo Easter Card: https://www.gruffalo.com/gruffalo/files/e1/e15b3aaf-63cc-419a-b614-aeecb653df30.pdf
- Gruffalo Easter Treats: https://www.gruffalo.com/gruffalo/files/c4/c42d3bc9-ffaa-4f5e-982b-86b498a1c4cb.pdf
Learn Together/SPHE:
- Complete Card/Piece of Art for CareChoice Nursing Home and Email to hello@carechoice.ie with your name, your class and teacher's name and the school's name attached.
- ZenDen https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KhXt7cpCPPs&list=PL8snGkhBF7nhwY-bD3Arzu7fY2guW61Hp&index=14
- Joe Wicks Daily P.E Session https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAxW1XT0iEJo0TYlRfn6rYQ
As always, myself and Jessica love to hear from you guys so if you've any questions or stories, pictures or videos please do send them on!
Take care,
Maria and Jessica