Hope you all had a nice weekend and everyone is keeping safe, happy and well. We just wanted to check in with you all today and see how the work is going as well as to let you know that tomorrow we will have a new schedule of work for the week and a new assessment form for you to complete on Friday.

World Book Online
World Book Online has just made their fabulous collection of over 3,000 ebooks & audiobooks available for free for children to access at home. There are also many other fabulous games, quizzes and other resources available too.
They have books suitable for all ages. You will need to set up an account to access the content. Click here: https://www.worldbookonline.com/wb/Login?id=800
Assessment Form
Just a little reminder to those who haven't filled out the assessment form, the link is below:
It would be great if you could fill this out at some stage when you get a chance. We will have a new one to be completed on Friday for you all on the blog tomorrow.
Zoom Call
Myself and Maria's Class are going to schedule a Zoom Video Call with everyone on Friday 3rd of April. If you don't have Zoom yet, you can just go to https://zoom.us/ and set up an account. We will then send an invite out through Aladdin for you all to join the meetings on Friday at 12pm and have a chat and a catch up about how everyone is getting on!
Monday's Suggested Plan:
- Master your Maths Monday Week 26
- Make patterns using objects from your kitchen (spoon, fork, cup, spoon, fork, cup etc)
- Monday's News Writing
(This can be completed in their free writing copies or news copies and if they don't have these they could write it on another page. It would be nice to take a picture of it and email it to myself or Maria and let us know how your weekend was.
The best way to complete this would be to write a template out for your child on another piece of paper or a whiteboard and your child can copy this and fill in their own news in the blank spaces.
The template would be 'Today is Monday. It is a sunny morning. This weekend I ______________. My favourite thing I did was _____________________.'
They could also draw a picture to illustrate their writing.☺)
- Complete 'qu' worksheet if not already done
- Finish and recap on both readers as new ones will be given tomorrow
- Cula 4 app and recap on Bia section
Learn Together/SPHE:
- Complete Card/Piece of Art for CareChoice Nursing Home and Email to hello@carechoice.ie with your name, your class and teacher's name and the school's name attached.
- ZenDen https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wlsG4ZqHVDE&list=PL8snGkhBF7nhwY-bD3Arzu7fY2guW61Hp&index=8
- Joe Wicks Daily P.E Session https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLyCLoPd4VxBvQafyve889qVcPxYEjdSTl
As always, please remember that this is a suggested daily plan and we understand the pressures that parents are feeling so feel free to pick just a couple of these activities today and see how it goes.
Maria and I are here to support you all as well as the children so get in touch if you have any questions or are looking for guidance in any way.
Have a good Monday everyone and we will be in touch tomorrow.
Take care,
Jessica and Maria