Monday, 2 December 2019

Weekly Homework 02/11/19

Hi all,

Here is the weekly homework:

Tricky Words:
The new tricky words this week are: which and any.
Try to think of some sentences with these words in them, we had some great suggestions in class today!

Tricky work roll and read game 

How to play:
1. Roll the dice
2. Match the number of dots on the dice to the correct tricky word
3. Read the tricky word and say it out loud.
4. Cover the tricky word with a counter or even use a whiteboard marker to cross it off.
5. The game is over when all the tricky words are read and said out loud and all the words are covered with counters.

This game can be played together by taking it in turns to read and say the tricky words.


Our handwriting books should now be completed! If there's any sections incomplete please ensure they are completed.


A new reader has been sent home if the reading record was signed and the book was in the folder. Please ensure to sign these once the children are finished as we cannot change their books until we get the go-ahead from you!

Sound Worksheet:

Our new sound this week is 'ng'. This can be sounded out but it's better to read it all as one sound.

Oral Language Sheet:
We are learning all about Santa's Grotto for the next fortnight so have a read of the page together again this week and chat about what work has to be done at Christmas time!

Winter Assembly: 
Practice lines! Most of the children know these by now but there's still a few that are unsure, thanks!

As always, please feel free to contact myself or Jessica if you have any questions or concerns.



Additional OPTIONAL resources!

Hi guys! As we have now moved to a four day week and as school books are being completed, I wanted to provide some extra optional work for...