Happy Monday - I hope you all had a nice weekend!
Here's the homework for the week:
Tricky Words:
The children have been given another Tricky Word Practice Sheet. These are the last revision tricky words. Please practice 'make, down, one and by' this week and use the back of the sheet to write your own tricky words yourself.
Remember the steps:
1. Look (say the word)
2. Copy (write the word while looking at the word)
3. Cover and Write (try write the word again without looking at it)
4. Have one more go at writing the word.
Please complete page 16, 17 and 18 of our handwriting books. Remember froggy fingers! Ask children to take their time and maybe split it up so they are doing one section each evening.
New reader has been sent home if the reading record was signed and the book was in the folder. Please ensure to sign these once the children are finished as we cannot change their books until we get the go-ahead from you!
Sound Worksheet:
We are revising the 'ph' sound so please complete this worksheet with the ph sounds.

Oral Language Sheet:
We are learning all about Autumn and Halloween for the next fortnight so have a read of the page together and chat about all the different things during this Season.☺
As always, please feel free to contact myself or Maria if you have any questions or concerns.