As we have now moved to a four day week and as school books are being completed, I wanted to provide some extra optional work for children who feel they need some extra materials. We want to stress is, what the children are doing on Seesaw is already more than enough. All of the work below is optional and is simply suggested material, this work is an additional support on top of Seesaw work and we ask that the children complete their Seesaw work before completing these activities. The children are doing enough work on Seesaw as it is, and the resources provided here are only to help children who feel they need additional help at home, an extra challenge to keep schoolwork at home challenging, or for parents who are busy at home and would like some extra activities to keep the kids occupied! As we already have lots of work to correct on Seesaw, we are not in a position to give feedback for these tasks, however we would still love to see the work you guys are doing! We will use this post as a "working document" that myself and Jessica can add to whenever we find something new!

Extra readers
To help support the children's reading, I have uploaded a folder full of extra readers for the children to work on in their own time. This folder is divided into levels from AA-H, and there are an additional 15 readers in each folder. To gauge the level your child is at, refer to the most recent reader your child has been assigned on Seesaw. I recommend completing the remainder of the books at this level that are in the folder before moving up a level. Please do not be alarmed if you feel your child is reading well and you see there are books at levels F, G and H as these are well above what we are currently assigning, these are simply here to challenge your child if you feel they need an extra challenge! Please do not panic as we do not expect the children to be at this level yet! These books have been uploaded as per requests for extra work and we do not expect parents to do these. The last thing we want to do is create more stress or pressure and these are only here as we would rather provide more than is needed than less. We are happy to have the children continue on at their own level and if we had concerns about their abilities we would have made this known by now, so no panic! 😊
Here is the link to the folders:
Teach Your Monster to Read online game
This is an online literacy game that is very popular with children and is free to use on the computer at the link below:
Book Report
The children can pick any book they have at home and use the template below to write a report on it and explain what they thought of it. For an extra challenge, the children could present their report like a TV host to someone at home!
Printable PDF: here:

As we are now finished with the Master Your Maths book, some parents have requested extra written Maths work for the children. I have compiled a folder of printable worksheets, including 30 Weeks of Daily Addition and Subtraction sums to keep them busy!
Access the files in the link below:
Online Games
Daily mental maths: I would recommend choosing Level One and ensuring numbers go from 1-20!
In fact, the TopMarks website has a whole range of online maths games, most of which are compatible with phones/tablets. There is a wide range of games available that cover a range of topics across the Maths curriculum.
Maths Playground also has some fun games for the children, however I would recommend checking games first and choosing games carefully as some may be too challenging.
Myself and Jessica will edit and add to this list as the weeks go on should we come across any extra resources over the next while. Again, please do not stress about getting this work done, we understand that this is a very difficult time for families and that getting Seesaw done each day can be extremely difficult, so I would like to stress again that this additional work is completely optional and simply here to support any families that need it. What you are doing at home already is amazing and we're so happy with the work the children are doing! If anyone is having any issues accessing the folders on google drive, please email me to let me know and I will try to fix it or email the resource to you directly.
Keep up the great work and stay safe!